Monday, November 21, 2011

Sandusky State theater

Sandusky State theater by J/G
Sandusky State theater, a photo by J/G on Flickr.

Beautiful theater across the water from Cedart Point. DFiddler on the roof was a nice show.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Ceasar Creek.

Ceasar Creek. by J/G
Ceasar Creek., a photo by J/G on Flickr.

Spent 2 weeks in the wilds outside of Cinncinnati and Dayton with these guys. We packed in so much it was crazy!! Met an old high school friend and some guys I've known for a long time on Flickr. REALLY enjoyed myself. Was great therapy for the mind and body.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gabbie at The Barn.

Gabbie at The Barn. by J/G
Gabbie at The Barn., a photo by J/G on Flickr.

Excellent Sunday Buffet!! Come hongry!!!

Family inside.

Family inside. by J/G
Family inside., a photo by J/G on Flickr.

One of the best tasting Ice creams I've ever had. Think cross between soft serve and scoop ,soft but firm, flavorful. They are based in Sandusky and have a factory outlet and tour which I hope to get on soon.


Shipwrecked. by J/G
Shipwrecked., a photo by J/G on Flickr.

Surf n turf. Excellent perch but how can they not this close to Lake Erie. Steak/dry and fatty. subbed for Filet mignon they were out of.
Fun place and very huge but the steak swap will forever keep me away. Especially at the price.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

OHIO!! 2011.

Originally uploaded by J/G
Insomniac lately. Dogs started it last week but now I just wake up at 3AM. Go figure. Superbowl Sunday this was. Just before the girl botched the National Anthem and the Green Bay Packers won. Large amount of snow in the last week. Seems the same every year just distributed differently. Gracies growing like a weed as is Johnny. Taller than his mother now. Same fears and concerns as ever. Mostly how to raise the kids in this world without screwing them up. Several big projects this year for the business and trimming the amount I delegate thereby hopefully retaining my sanity and getting a little more exercise.

Friday, January 28, 2011